Sunday, May 29, 2011

Problems Reported with Wind-Power

Here are the objections to Wind-Power and Wind Turbines that are tossed around by groups opposing the industry.  All should be discussed at length.    

They look bad.
They're unreliable.
They kill birds.
Vegetation is destroyed.
Access roads and sites cause erosion problems.
Leakage of oil.
Wind turbulence affects local climate.
CO2 emissions from the production of the concrete.
Bright navigation safety lights atop towers.
Consumption of water in production.
Adverse effects on land value.
Wind tower litter.
Adverse effect on tourism.
Social conflict is created.
They are inefficient.
They are a fire hazard.
They mess with TV reception.
They cause sunlight flicker.
Flying ice comes off the blades. 
Electric bills will increase.
Ground wildlife is displaced.
New roads constructed through wilderness.
Existing roads damaged during construction phase.
Wind is unreliable.
Industry is subsidized by the taxpayer.
Desecration of sacred areas.
Disrupts radar and shipping lanes ( offshore wind )
Construction of massive new high-voltage transmission lines.
Farm animals are disturbed.
It doesn't make economic sense.
Greenhouse gas benefit overstated.
Price of coal-generated power goes up. 

For some fascinating more detailed analysis of many of these objections see

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